Friday, October 11, 2013

Four Major Benefits for Epoxy Coats

If your store, business, or organization is opting for concrete floors, you have some choices for your floor coating. Epoxy coatings are a popular choice because they're durable, aesthetically pleasing, and cost efficient. Most of our clients see a return of their original investment within about two years; the floor eventually pays for itself. The major benefits of using epoxy paint result in a strong floor that represents your brand.

Epoxy floor coats dry to be durable, but they're also seamless, perfect surfaces. Think about the attractive, clean, and smooth floors you often see in malls retail shops.

Smooth Surfaces:
Epoxy coats are also great for restaurants, grocers, breweries, and other industries that require a durable, seamless floor. Easier to clean and strong, Epoxy coats make floors hard to ruin.

Another great benefit to the coat is that it will help keep your clientele safe. Slip and Impact resistant, people and your floors will stay safer in your establishment.

Fire Resistant:

An epoxy coating will help reduce the risk of fires spreading beyond the floor. Coupled with the usual fire prevention methods, these are great floors for industries with flammable products.